
Showing posts from February, 2008


Gestern sind wir fast 30km geradelt, am Starnberger See entlang von Tutzing - es war traumhaft schön. Schon in Seeseiten machten wir Mittagspause. Die Wirtin dort ist eine angeheiratete Cousine von Annamirl, sie stammt aus dem Libanon, wurde aber von der Familie immer "die Syrerin" genannt. Versteh einer die Bayern. Sie riss sich den Ring vom Finger, als ich ihn bewunderte und gab ihn mir zum Anprobieren. Rubies, like mine. Sie macht einen göttlichen Rhabarber-Baiserkuchen...
Green grass, memories of smokey mountains. Rubies on my finger, pearls in my ears, raindrops on my windows, dark blue sky. This afternoon is mine, stolen time. They say time is the thief of life, this time I have stolen from the thief. What I want is time in the bank, to take out when I need it (a wish that I am sure has been expressed many times). The other night, I dreamt that my sister was Pippi Langstrumpf and had bright red bunches. DISCLAIMER: The blog published on written by Ilse Zambonini. I am responsible for all information contained on the However, I am not responsible for contents found on: External websites to which my website provides a link, Sites that include a link to Websites that reproduce contents from without authorization. Note: Sites containing material that is controversial, pornographic, hateful or otherwise inappr...