Party time in Hornsey Rise

E., originally from Budapest, has lived in the house where I am staying for many years. The four women have been my friends for the same number of years, I was at home in this house like in my own house (which is just down the road). E. has lived in London for fifty years and this is what she celebrated, with characteristic abandon, on Sunday. I saw many friends I hadn't seen for a long time, recognized instantly despite some grey hair here and there. All the children who used to play in the joined-up gardens are now  grown up and interesting adults, many with children of their own.
The evening ended with E. dishing out her spicy Hungarian bean soup, called Bablaves, the giant beans were brought from Hungary by a friend.
Oh, and I contributed the plum tart!
Yesterday was spent in a hungover haze...

Classic english Pork Pie! A marvel.
slightly more modern: vegetarian wraps

und immer wieder BUBBLY!

Am Ende jeder Party gibt es die berühmt ungarische Bohnensuppe, Bablavesch. Jetzt auch in vegetarisch! Die Riesenbohnen direkt aus Ungarn importiert.
Every party here ends with Eva's world-famous Bablavesch, a bean and ham soup - now also in a vegetarian version! The big beans are brought back from Hungary by a friend.


  1. Und wenn ich heute lese, ab November – je nachdem wie's weitergeht – hauptsächlich Konserven und Tiefkühlkost auf der Insel, könnte man fast vom "last supper" sprechen.

  2. Oh my God, this looks beyond delicious!

  3. what a wonderful celebration- not just the food. I love the way you describe your longlasting roots in London, and what a great opportunity to cherish the time with your friends!
    I often ask myself: But how did it all happen so quickly? How come all the little naughty and nice cherubs are now 30, or 40 years old? I suppose it is a sign of great maturity (haha) in myself.

    1. One of my cherubs is turning 50 this year - eek!

    2. Einszweidrei, im Sauseschritt
      Läuft die Zeit; wir laufen mit.....

      so lang wir noch koennen ist das doch super! :-)


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